Monday, November 18, 2013



Over the period of the last 35 years, the world of Divine has been showing me to view all things through spiritual assessment, from Gods view point. I have been enlightened about the real serious problems on planet earth that need to be corrected. The criminals, wars, the violence, theft, abuse, the rape and murder on earth are serious, but are relatively smaller now for the number of souls on the planet and is coming under control and not as serious as another problem that is the most devastating to the whole world. We also need to look at the real cause of the present problems on earth.
The hatred, the anger, conflict, violence, judgment, condemnation and criticism and other negative characteristics are even more serious problems on earth in the collective consciousness, as they separate lovely souls and there are many more people on earth entrapped by these debilitating and destructive attitudes. It therefore creates a much larger amount of collective negative energy on and within the planet. These destructive and debilitating attitudes of consciousness, cause negative energy to build up upon the earth and within the earth that eventually will need to be balanced and dissipated and we see this happening in what we call natural disasters. All negative energy must eventually be balanced on earth. The pure energy of God, that is miss-qualified with negative energy must be re-qualified with positive energy, such as love and forgiveness.
These disasters all could be more accurately described as human self created disasters. The forces of the four elements cannot allow forever this negative energy to pull down all that is good, so at certain times the earth throws off this negative energy in the form of natural disasters, this brings balance and peace back to the earth in the form of good or re-qualified purified energy. The natural disasters only come to the souls and locations that originally created the negative energy. In these disasters all innocent souls will be protected by the Divine world. Everything operates according to Divine justice and nothing ever escapes this justice.
These disasters will decrease along with the decrease of negative energy on the planet as all things get better on earth and it can easily be seen that the world in presently on that track. The present financial conditions on the planet will come into correction as the negative attitudes, thought, feeling, speaking and actions come into correction, including of course selfishness and greed. The world is consistently getting better, day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. The world is now on a corrective course and this will now continue under this New Golden Age environment.
I have been praying to Almighty God for the last seven years intensively every day, for the liberation of all of my brothers and sisters on planet earth. For their freedom and especially freedom from the most serious of all problems on the earth, the power elite on planet earth, the wealthy, the dominators, the defrauders, the controllers, the deceivers, the manipulators that control planet earth and most all that is on planet earth. This has been going on for a very long time.
These are the most dangerous because they have a very large control network and they are hidden from view, they are secret societies, groups, families and they are virtually invisible to the rest of the souls on earth. Because they are hidden, they are very difficult to recognize and thus do something about. They are the ones who are heavily driven by selfishness and greed and will stop at nothing to maintain their unlawfully gained financial kingdoms, to preserve and further prosper themselves and their kingdoms.
The power elite control the entire world of business, commerce and wealth and much in secrecy, invisible to the general population. Gangsters are much more successful if they are invisible. This criminal activity has been on the earth since the beginning of time, however much more intensively in the last 200 years on earth and super intensively in the last 80 years. However it must all now come to an end, as darkness usually over play their hand and cause the correction and reformation to happen. Selfishness and greed or any other lower attitude will always escalate until it self destructs.
All banks, mortgage companies, loan sharks and loan agencies of any description are spiritually illegal and totally against the spiritual laws of God. The amount of money that is charged in interest, does not truly exist, so it will always be a disaster in the making. In the old testament of the bible, the souls that made up the people of Israel were not allowed to charge usury or interest on money that was lent out and the individual that borrowed the money, only paid back the principle amount of the loan. To charge interest on a loan was classified as sin that was outside the will of pure God and would bring eventual disaster to the perpetrator. This was all based on the spiritual laws of God, these spiritual laws have much mercy and grace built into them, sometimes it takes time to manifest, but they are as sure coming as the rising of the sun. How do we expect the blessing of God in our world when we constantly break spiritual laws, on a very large scale? This natural earthly kingdom of earth is primarily built outside the will or laws of pure God that are put in place to protect us all from this type of financial abuse. The natural world  legality of banks is only a human created illusion and needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
Borders of countries that are restricted to only preferred people and naturally controlled by human beings are all spiritually illegal. It divides souls into classes, some acceptable and some not acceptable, this concept only serves to make everything worse. The bible tells us to welcome the stranger, even feed them and treat them with respect. In the bible hospitality was one of our Father Abraham’s qualities that God appreciated the most. Hospitality is a fine quality and it is born of love, goodness and respect and promotes unity and oneness.
If souls within countries commit crimes against other souls or property, they will need to be separated from society and rehabilitated, that is clearly understood. However we are to forgive others that make mistakes, just like we need forgiveness for our own mistakes and mistakes are mistakes whether they are classified large or small. We do not assume that if a person made a mistake in the past, they will make another similar one in the future. Other souls need forgiveness, restoration and a new start, which means love, forgiveness, acceptance in individual respect.
 Borders are just another way for governments to make more money, for the government to abuse and exercise more power, domination and control, which are the earmarks of the black arts. Let us all welcome the stranger; for we are really all brother and sisters on earth as we do all have the same Father and Mother God.
Governments operate illegally in many different ways, outside the spiritual laws of God. In this process there is nothing to look forward to but eventual self-destruction, in order to awaken. Possibly in the very beginning some Governments were operating relatively within the spiritual laws of God but then as time went on, became corrupted by individuals that were caught in the trap of selfishness and creed. This has gone on for a very long time and has escalated more over time.
Governments traditionally cater to themselves first and then to other power elite in everything that they do, this is discriminatory and needs to stop. The citizens of the countries are always last on the priority list. This area needs very extensive correction and the people will have to rise up and correct it or it will self destruct on its own in the end.
God desires us to operate in His spiritual laws, not to satisfy anything within God, but to keep us from self-destructing and allow us to live constructively and to have as sustainable future for the benefit of all. All governments of the world are traditionally power mongers, abusive and inefficient, especially abusive to its citizens and this needs immediate change. For governments to injure their own citizens who demonstrate peacefully and legally, just shows the tip of the iceberg, as to what is really going on in our government. If governments don’t like the message, they will try and stop the demonstrators at very serious cost. That is clearly the ego at work in society. Entire governments should be drastically reduced and re-organized into efficient operating services on behalf of the countries citizens. Governments need lessons in how to love, care for and treat their citizens with kindness and respect. One of the biggest mistakes that governments make, is that they all forget that the people really do rule in the end.
Government justice or legal systems are not truly administering justice for all, in many cases they are administering a human form of justice and these human systems are self serving to the power elite, are prejudice, unloving, have mostly lost and mercy and grace and full of holes and mistakes that are very costly to the souls that receive injustice from our legal systems. The government legal justice systems are built to be in favor of the power elite, who consistently do each other favors and very carefully plan their schemes for more wealth always at the expense of the under privileged souls.
In the legal systems they are clearly bios in their rulings. Most generally the justice systems prefer governments, the political systems, famous people, wealthy people, big business and other well known organizations. In most cases, if you can afford the best possible defense you win, if you cannot afford the best defense you will likely lose. And if you cannot afford a defense at all, you have likely lost before you start.  If your case comes up at a bad political time, you will likely lose. If you are fighting government, accept for a miracle, you will likely lose. If you are fighting big business, you will likely lose.
However it must also be said that there are many good souls that are good representatives of the spiritual kingdom working in the justice system that do, for the most part bring true justice to the people, but they are unfortunately very few in numbers and the system is very big. If you are one lonely citizen desiring justice in the justice system and you are against someone, a big business or an organization with big money, your chances of justice is slim to none. These are the facts that are fully realized by most people and yet most people sit back, eat their junk food, watch the TV set and let it all happen before their eyes and do nothing about it. Many people think they cannot do anything about these conditions, but they really can if the general population work together to make the change, it will change. In reality and in history, the numbers always rule, if they refuse to give up or quit.
The federal tax department is spiritually illegal and was never supposed to become a part of government operations and functions. This department operates similar to illegal mafias, they use similar tactics as do the gangsters that use domination through threats and fear to manipulate and control the masses. The federal tax department extorts money from unsuspecting citizens, by making threats and appearing to be perfectly legal. In truth the individual states or provinces are the only valid entity to tax the people and then only within very reasonable limits, this leaves no room for financial abuse through improper spending.
Today the whole federal tax systems are right out of control and should be eliminated from our world forever. Federal governments should be organizers for the states and the people and should never have controlling power. To force a percentage of earnings of the individual to itself unconscionable as well as inconceivable and is just plain and simple theft perpetrated on an innocent party. The federal tax systems should all be dismantled and illuminated from all federal governments.  It should be none of the governments business as to what the individual makes in a year, in money or other forms of wealth or it intrudes on individual’s privacy and is illegally intrusive, demanding and controlling. This ego based department of Government cannot be legally organized and should be eliminated completely.
The welfare department is a good idea, but needs many changes. This government department should always act as a safety net for the citizens of the country that, through many different circumstances fall into hard times, and need some assistance to get back into acceptable living conditions.
The biggest problem with giving money away for free to impoverished citizens is that it confirms their inability to rise above the circumstances that they are in. This only helps to keep them trapped in these conditions, staying trapped in the inferiority and low self esteem that trapped them in the first place. All things in life are self created and can be un-created and re-created with the correct assistance.
It would be acceptable to give a window of public assistance for people to re-establish their lives and world. However there should be government make work projects for those who refuse to reorganize and rebuild their lives. They should work for their monthly income at reasonable wages, this will make them feel good about themselves, reinstate dignity and self-respect into their lives and help to establish self esteem and self worth to develope new capabilities for the future. The wages however should not be too high, in order to encourage the individuals to reenter the workforce and become self sustainable at some point in time. Social services is about people and the welfare of the people, always needs to be in high regard, however it all needs to be administered in sound spiritual wisdom, free of all of the human ego created illusions of how the natural world should be.
Educational systems of our world are all big businesses, they do everything they can to expand their businesses, to make even more money to expand their kingdoms. They teach many things that souls do need in their life and worlds and they teach many things that souls do not need in their life and worlds. The one thing that is needed the most, they do not teach in public schools and that is spiritual training in righteousness, the attributes, spiritual laws and living the life of Divine within the pure will of almighty God. This is the training that will create spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social and financial success in life and allow the souls to become self sustainable eternal beings of light and love.
When they at least, had Morning Prayer in public schools, it helped to keep, at least to a small degree, the young lives entrusted to them, at peace. All souls then developed a habit of focusing on God at least once every day, even if it is only for a few minutes. Since they removed prayer from the schools some of the worst atrocities in history have been committed by young souls in schools who were not educated properly in what they really needed in life. These souls fell through the cracks, became entangled in destructive teaching, and went down the road of destruction.
Trouble, conflict, adversity, in-harmony and suffering, these negative conditions are all caused by the absence of God or the absence of a healthy spiritual life of the individual soul. Love and respect for other souls cannot be accessed, except from the source of all good and that is God and the Kingdom of God. Though you search for goodness in other ways for your whole lifetime, you will never truly find it in true reality until you decide to go to the source and originator of all love, goodness and peace, which is God. We, as the people need to take our schools back and restructure it into that which is filled with teaching on living a divine life style, information that is needed in daily lives and personal affairs, love, goodness, respect for others to be truly sustainable.
Many businesses and especially big business in our countries have become corruptover the years, with many parts of the business operating spiritually illegally, especially in the leadership of these businesses. In many cases the upper management in these businesses operates like gangsters, motivated by money, caught in selfishness and greed. They run monopolies and rape our country of its resources, right before our eyes, with our government sanctions and in many situations without correct restraint or proper guidelines. Politicians generally cater to big business because they provide large amounts of money to the governments, big donations for political campaigns and so they mostly all take these illegal bribes and try to conceal the criminal activity with political words of silver tongued devils. The facts are the facts, however you decide to follow it up with the cloak of invisibility. They may be able to fool some people but they will never be able to fool God, or his laws, for He has been around a long time and He is impossible to fool. Criminal activity is crime, wherever it is committed, even in the highest of natural and human earthy places.
Insurance companies operate and function as government sanctioned criminal organizations, freely spinning their webs of criminal activity with an egotistical boldness that is shameful to the human race. The original intent to organize an insurance safety net for the people has been lost in the selfishness and greed that drives these ego based machines into despicable proportions. The original idea was that there would be a fair based fee for all, and the people who experience tragedies would be compensated monetarily. And the people who do not experience these tragedies would pay for the ones that do, this is people helping one another and this would be good, accept for the perpetrators in between .
Their insurance rates increase to ridiculous proportions with our governments blessing. And now through government cooperation insurance companies can charge more for people who have accidents or tragedies happen.  Now the insurance companies can refuse to ensure you, if you have had too many accidents, this is clearly born of greed and circumvents the whole original intent. Now insurance companies will only insure you, if you don’t have accidents. If you don’t have accidents, you do not need insurance companies at all. The government gets paid very well for their part in this swindle type scam.
Many organizations in many different areas of society have become corrupt and especially large organizations who have regressed into the trap of selfishness and creed and continually cross the line of honest business techniques and become corrupt in their practices. Many religious organizations, government organizations, service organizations, sports organizations and many others have overstepped their safety net and become corrupt in their ways and their practices over the years and many are now facing a self-destructing process that will eventually either correct their activities or bring them down.
Their manipulation and control over other souls will not prosper forever and it will eventually self destruct. Many justify what they do with very clever arguments of human created intelligence. When they go against the protective spiritual laws of God there is no other possibility but self destruction. Many make decisions of provisions and even life and death decisions on behalf of living souls. The accountability of these abusers has fallen through the self created cracks through deviant means by manipulation of governments through monetary pay offs in many different ways.
Going against the laws of government is nothing compared to going against the spiritual laws of God. Souls can sometimes escape the prosecution of the government, but no-one and I mean no-one ever escaped the justice of God when they have violated His spiritual laws. The only possible escape is taking responsibility for their actions, asking forgiveness and making restitution back to life. God is not judging us, we are judging ourselves, for there is always consequences to face when violating the protective laws of God. When we operate outside the protective laws of God, we create our own demise and suffering, whether it is personal or in large businesses or organizations.
The armed forces or military arm of the governments have become virtually their own business, have become corrupt over many years of operation, in many different ways. They are supposed to be fighting for peace, however unfortunately fighting for peace swiftly puts them out of business, so they must create more wars to stay in business. The military arm of government is a big business in itself, big business does not want to diminish, it wants to expand, to get bigger, that is a very clear conflict of interest.
Many of the military in many different countries have assisted in creating wars, not in trying to prevent wars, after all war is the armed forces business, they don’t know much about peace, that is not their business, war is their business and they have learned it very well. They can become peace makers and ultimately they will eventually all become peace makers or peace officers as we finally create world peace. The only problem with that concept for the military is that it diminishes their businesses, it does not expand their business, in business that is not an option. All power elite are willing to fight for success in business. We, as the people need our military to be out of business. Then we will have true peace in the world.
The medical professional organizations, equipment, drugs-medications and facilities all operate like big business. They are all in another conflict of interest. If they make everyone well, they are out of business and all of the education, training and workers would no longer be needed. Making people well jeopardizes their careers. And of course at the top of this big businesses is the power elite that will not allow their business to diminish, but will fight to keep expanding.
They do not cure sickness and diseases; they only attempt to cure symptoms, complaints and pain. The destroyer and killer called cancer has been running its course, virtually unchecked for a very long time, now effecting 25% of the population. The so called professionals have had more than enough time and money to come up with a cure, but that would destroy their big business. To have a small cure for a sickness or disease, now and then is acceptable, but to cure all disease would be unthinkable for this big business. Most supposedly cures cause as much damage as they repair and some cause even more long term damage. 
The power elite in these industries believe they have no other choice, but to deceive and lie to the general population. They continually mislead, miss-interpret and misrepresent the scientific information and studies to support their empires. Many innocent and unsuspecting souls are deceived by their forceful ego based representation to be right, and become medical lifers or die in the system. Medical lifers make these kingdoms the most money, medical reliant and drug reliant people, for the rest of their lives, is what the power elite need to expand their big businesses.
Again there are many beautiful souls working in these industries that are very sincere and are there for the right reasons and are doing a great work in caring for the sick. We give them all appreciation and thankfulness for their unselfish willingness to help their brothers and sisters who are suffering.
This selfishness and greed, however, by the power elite, has to stop and the good people of all countries need to stop this madness and take this part of their country back..
The general part of the souls on earth are pure, loving and innocent, all made in the image of God with wonderful God qualities. Because the majority of souls are all basically good and all basically honest, they can easily be taken advantage of, by very aggressive and self serving individuals and groups that organize their criminality into empires and financial kingdoms that have raped the planet of its resources and have raped their fellow citizens of their money, health, dignity and strength. The bible says that the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. It is the non violent and non-aggressive ones, the primarily good ones and the honest ones, the majority that suffer through this violence, because they are good and trusting and because they are generally non-aggressive and non-violent and choose not use force to get what they want. This is the meek that the bible says, will inherit the earth in the end.
Since the beginning of time the violent have been selfishly taking things by force, starting right in the beginning of a new line of spiritual beings on earth, that we all understand a the Adamic line of souls in the well known bible account of the Garden of Eden, which really is just a pure and good understanding of Divine wisdom. First Adam and eve fell into density and then their son Cain fell and killed his brother Able and this all started the downward decent of the race of new spiritual beings into the density of this physical world. There had been souls on the planet for millions of years, however they were in a very low state of density and the Adamic line was started to bring spiritual assistance to the world. However the low density of the souls on the planet caused a density build up of negative energy in the atmosphere which ultimately influenced Adam and Eve to fall as well as Cain to become jealous, angry and then violent to take the life of his own biological brother, who were friends since birth. Since then the world has been living in density, violence and suffering and the violent take everything by force. So it continues today.
As the population of the world has grown, to seven billion souls and the physical world has expanded, it has only expanded the capabilities of the power elite, to deceive, to manipulate and to control and to take all things from the meek by force. The present day power elite on our planet come in the form of dictators, kings, presidents, government officials, business people, board members, financiers, stock markets, bankers, owners, big business, governments, sports organizations, religious organizations, many other organizations, basically most all positions of wealth and power in our world of form.
In the bible any kind of manipulation or control of other souls is recognized aswitchcraft or black arts for they used secrecy, intimidation and fear to control their victims, similar to the power elite of today. The dark forces would not stand long in a world unless they were able to adapt there sinister ways to new situations and new circumstances as the world evolved. They recognized their past openness had caused their ultimate destruction and became more cunning in their ways. Dark forces first control people, than they further promote their destructive ways by controlling other people through their selected leaders. There are now more warlocks and witches in the power elite on our planet, than ever before in the history of our world. They do not openly display their wares like in the ages of the past, they now find more success in secrecy. This is the dark kingdom that needs to be brought down for the planet to again prosper in the spiritual world of God. As souls on the planet, we all allowed it to happen and together we must work together to put an end to it.
The country of Haiti recently decided that the religious leaders of their country were leading them in the wrong direction and the people rose up and put a stop to it. That was all done in a violent way, after the souls in Haiti suffered for so long under disaster after disaster and finally went too far in correcting the problem, by becoming violent criminals themselves. If they would have corrected the problem before it got to astronomical proportions, it maybe could have been handled in a better way through non-violence and proper legal means.
Now, before we go too far, we must recognize that there are many good, sincere and pure souls that work in the kingdoms of the power elite, who believe they are doing a good work and are not at the controls but are only pawns for the kingdoms of the power elite. It is the power elite behind the scenes and many leaders in our world that need correction on our planet. Let us all do this correcting in our world non-violently and in reasonable control so that it does not get to the point where it is handled violently and out of control.
Planet earth has entered into a new Golden Age and needed corrections all over the planet are in process and many more to begin. God and the kingdom of God will support the good souls of this planet in their new quests to be free. It is now time in cosmic law to bring freedom and democracy to all countries of the world, starting with the supposedly land of the free, the United States of America. This new freedom and great blessing of God in this Golden Age, is in perfect timing. God and His Kingdom are in full support of this process of freedom and true democracy for the world.
However we as the souls on this planet have created these conditions on earth and so we must gather together, request assistance from God and His Kingdom and make the needed corrections in our world. When the majority of the souls on planet earth decide that something on earth is wrong, is no longer acceptable on earth, than the Kingdom of God will assist in removing it from our planet and world. For example, previously over fifty percent of the souls on the planet decided that communism was no longer acceptable on the planet and God removed it right before our eyes without great suffering and large scale wars and large scale losses. This is a good example of how easy it is to make corrections when the cosmic time is right. The majority of souls on our planet believe that the present corruption on earth is not acceptable anymore and it is now time to correct it. Could it be possible that both capitalism and communism are insufficient for this day and age and could it be possible for the most efficient government and acceptable government for all to be a good balance between these conceptual governments? This is Just a question to consider.
It is very important that the cleansing of our planet be done in a non-violent way, according to the spiritual laws of God, and as a result not to create more unnecessary problems in the process. Planet earth belongs to all of the souls on it, and not to just a select few power elite and the people need to rise up and take back their world and re-establish the world on the spiritual principles of God. These spiritual principles will make the planet become self sustainable for the future, governed by the spiritual laws of God that are in the universe to protect us and make us all ultimately successful in all that we are and all that we do and to create things that will be eternal.
Many different phases and colors of Divine light, at this time,  are being projected down to the earth from the ascended realm of the spiritual Kingdom of God. These additional rays of light and additional angelic beings are released by the Kingdom of God to assist in making necessary changes on planet earth in this Golden Age. This will intensify greatly in 2012 and their will be so many changes on the earth that it will look like a different planet. The dark ages of the past will eventually be forgotten as the even darker ages of the distant past have been forgotten today and the world and all of the dear souls on it will enter into a higher form of Divine living.
There is a very beautiful increase in beautiful brilliant white light and it is being released to the planet now and will increase in the new year of 2012. This is being sent by the ascended octave, by many ascended beings, from the ascended realm and to the entire planet. Within the white ray, that is being released, the essence and purity of God prevails, and is being sent to planet earth and all of the souls on it. The white ray of God, has within it, all of the rays or colors of light or consciousness, within the Divine light spectrum. The entire consciousness of God in the color spectrum is available to us all so let us all receive this new energy and help to bring our world into Divine living within the protective laws of God.
We all only need to receive this new Divine energy that is now flowing, in humility and surrender to take part in this new Golden spiritual dispensation for planet earth. The humble and meek shall inherit the earth and the low density beings that refuse to change will be removed from our planet forever. This is what ultimately creates the Golden Age of peace on earth and good will towards one another and ultimately world peace.   
We bless our world and all of our brothers and sisters on it forever !!!!


I had done many different jobs over the years, through my life in Canada. I worked different jobs and business in Canada for forty years. When I left Canada to come to Panama, God told me that if I gave Him most of my time, I would never have to work a job again. I simply took God at his word and it has proved to be true. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added, is what the bible tells us. I have always held on tightly to the word of God, when it is spoken to me. I told people for years that it was possible to fulfill that scripture and then I actually did it and proved it to be true. Now I refuse to go backwards again, I must move onto the future.
Previously in my life in Canada I was a man pleaser and I would want people to be happy, so I would give them what they wanted. So if God told me one thing and then people told me something else, I would do what the people wanted me to do. Then I came to the realization that it was more important to listen to God, rather than men. That decision does not make you popular among the physical world of ego, but it brought me peace and unity with God. What could be more important than that? My time with God and His spiritual Kingdom is very important to me, and I cannot give it up, to get back into the work force, working a job again. My freedom and my time with God and the spiritual world is very important to me, in my life. It is the most important for me, and it must have priority at all times.
Working or as the bible says, obtaining by the sweat of your brow, is part of the curse that came upon mankind after the great fall from grace, into the density of this natural world. God simply declared the results of the fall to Adam, in the Garden of Eden. God said because you have fallen and you refuse to take responsibility for your actions, repent and receive forgiveness, you will now only obtain what you need through difficulty, hardship and you will experience much pain.
If we take the Divine path back into unity with God and His kingdom, we are no longer under the curse of work, or obtaining what we need through hardship and stress. In the beginning when we were one with God, everything that we thought we needed would come to us miraculously. We can and will return to this state of existence again.
In this higher state we freely exercised the gifts of God, like manifestation, levitation, etherealization, mastered nature and many other gifts that we freely used. If we wanted to eat, we would manifest the food that we wanted and when we were finished it would disappear again. We could instantly manifest whatever we needed or desired. Eventually we will all need to return to this previous state of existence. God’s arm is not short that He cannot supply our every need on earth that we have, without us having to do it ourselves under stress and discomfort. God provides through Divine love, wisdom, knowledge and power that is far beyond anything in this natural world of form. However sometimes we think that our needs are greater than what they really are in life.
Why would anyone want to live under the curse of work, when they don’t have to, they can be free from the traps and difficulties of the physical world. Young people now in the world are bringing in the new answers for a more Divine existence. Have we all noticed, that young people now, do not want to work in heavy labour any more. They are finding better and a more easy way to do things now. They have a sense that the old world is inefficient and out of date and they want to change it into a new creation.
The industrial age is coming to a close and a new dispensation is beginning and young people are now coming into embodiment on earth to assist in making these new changes. The old system, being ego based is in rebellion to these new changes. However the old system will lose the fight to try and maintain the old system as it always was and the new system will prevail. There is no other possible outcome, since change has always happened on earth, regardless of the resistance of the old school.
The power density processing and thinking souls always have to be defeated by the new and higher ways of processing and thinking. This is the only way that the world can progress into higher levels of consciousness and existence. It has always been this way on earth and it always will be. No one will prevent the new coming is as it is Divinely supported.
You just look at past history and it will give you these answers. Israel during the time of Christ, refused the new system that Jesus was bringing in and defended the old system with their lives. As a result they lost their lives, right down to their own annihilation of those unwilling to change to the new dispensation. They would sooner go to war, than make change and that is what they did, right down to their own destruction. Many are still stuck in this old system today.
The American civil war was another similar situation, where the old outdated system of slavery was threatened by the new concept of freedom for all souls. The old system said, we would rather die, than change, and so they died, every one of them that violently refused the new change into a higher state of consciousness. The south had better leaders and better armies, but still lost, because only the Divine is capable of controlling circumstances and situations. The south lost, before they started, but unfortunately they were spiritually unaware of what was really happening around them.
Now we see a modern day repeat of these conditions again, where the old system says no, we are not willing to come into this higher state of consciousness and we will fight to the end and violence is acceptable in order to protect our old system of doing things. Now we have Occupy the World, in motion, souls who know that this new change must come and are attempting to accomplish this change without violence, the USA being the spiritual heart of the world, starting this movement at wall Street where the most serious financial problems of the old system resides.
The old system will not and cannot possible win, for the majority, which are young, clearly see the need for change and will not rest until it is accomplished. It is the old system that is willing to use violence, not the new system. However violence will not deter the new system even if it delays it in some ways.
The acception’s to this non-violent approach to change are countries like Libya, Seria and Egypt, where the new system was confronted with governments that were willing to kill their own people to prevent change. In these situations the people had no choice but to fight fire with fire, they will do whatever it takes to make change and bring in freedom for all. They are willing to give up their lives for this new change to freedom. They also have more anger towards the old systems because they were abused and terrorized by the old system. This anger will be appeased in the end, to annihilate the negative focus and go on to build a new and better world.
The Spiritual world of Divine are assisting this new change, knowing full well that without this new change, the world will self destruct even more, as we can see it doing today in the most vulnerable and destructive place, in finance. All of the old government systems and private systems are all self destructing right before our eyes. They are all inefficient and outdated and all refuse to change. These young people are aware that this old system must die and a new a fair and free system must be built in it’s place. They don’t know just how it should happen yet, but they will all be fully aware in time, it will be revealed to all, by the Divine world that manages everything on earth.
We are in a new golden age and the majority of the people on the planet are in a higher state of consciousness. This has caused the Divine to move in to make this new change on earth. When the majority of people on earth, decide that something on the planet is no longer acceptable, the divine moves in to help make change. This is all governed under Cosmic Law and no one will be able to stop it. In Libya the old government powers decided that there would not be any change in their country and that they would defend the old camp with their lives, and so it played out. Any other countries taking the same route will end up the same way, this change will not be stopped, it is time for democracy in every country of the world and it will not be stopped and anyone who tries will be overcome by it.
Change is growth or expansion and this will never be stopped for long, for this is our heritage to expand into higher states of consciousness until we all return to the Divine place of Divine living, that we all originally came from.
It would be wise to be on the winning team and make the right decisions for today.

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